See all rooms & information about them. The accommodation appear in the reservation plan and always belong to a reservation.
Last updated
See all rooms & information about them. The accommodation appear in the reservation plan and always belong to a reservation.
Last updated
For the basic function & features of the following list you can refer to the section Presenting information
From the options of each stay you can change a lot of information. Some options may be displayed or hidden depending on the status of the stay
View Reservation
Open the main booking tab where you can see more information & manage your booking
Print Reg. Card
Print the registration card
Split Accommodation
You can split the room in case you do not have the same room available for all days, or make an upgrade to the customer while he is already in a room, etc.
Join Accommodation
You can reconnect two rooms in one . A basic condition is that the first room is available for the dates that we want to join.
Move Room
You can make some reservation changes, such as changing room type or change the check-in to another date.
Park Accommodation
If you click here, the reservation will be transferred to the "parked" area of the reservation plan.
Lock Accommodation
This option allows you to "lock" the reservation in a specific room so that it can not be moved.
Unlock Accommodation
Unlock the specific room so you can move it again.
Primary guest
You can assign the name of the guest you want to appear in the booking as primary.
Modify rate
Change the charge of the room or any night you want specifically.
Extent Accommodation
Extend your stay for more days even if this room is not available.
Reduce Accommodation
Reduce the days of the accommodation
ΤModify Departure/ Arrival
Here you can modify the time of arrival and departure.
Modify Occupants
Here can you change the number of guests. Add or remove people.
Modify options
Here can you add a bedding to your booking, ex. baby cot and change the color that will appear in the booking plan.
Each stay has a basic status, which determines whether it appears in the booking plan and affects the availability of accommodation
When a stay is green, it means that it is a confirmed stay and we are waiting for the guests at the property.
When a stay is blue, it means that the guests are in-house.
When a stay is red, it means that the guests have left the property and we have checked them out.
Canceled accommodation which does not appear in the booking plan.
Non show which does not appear in the booking plan.
When a booking is yellow, it means it is optional, if we are not sure exactly when the customer will come to the property. In this case, we can move the accommodation to the "parked" option, until we receive the confirmation.