Here you can see the extra booking charges, such as a coffee or a drink.
Last updated
Here you can see the extra booking charges, such as a coffee or a drink.
Last updated
Quick edit
Open the main tab of the extra where you can see more information & manage the extra
Cancel the extra. The extra will still be on the list but will not count towards the booking costs
Revoke extra
Return the extra to be calculated in the booking costs
Select the room to which you want the extra to be added
Choose from the available extras you have already created in the settings
You can change the default unit value if you wish
You can also change the extra charge type
When changing the type of extra charge you should pay attention as it will create multiple charges. For example, if we have a unit price of 3 euros and the type of charge is Per Night and we have eg 2 nights, then 2 charges will be created (one for each night worth 3 euros) with a total value of 6 euros.