
Allocatiοn / Unallocated rooms

If you create a reservation without setting a room number, the reservation remains in the Park. (Available in the Reservation Plan / Calendar, under each room type)

  • To make the allocation in a specific room, enter the reservation, click on the Room, select the number you want and Move. (Move because he moves her from the Park.)

  • If you want to allocate more rooms, go to Reservations - Unallocated rooms. You can select a date or set some filters if you want. If you click on the Move room can you see the available rooms for the specific type of room and select the number you want.

Lock Accommodation

If you want to give a specific room to a customer, (eg you have confirmed it to a customer, etc.) then you can enter the reservation and next to Accommodation press the blue lock to lock it.

Move room

Go to the Calendar, find the room you want to change by right-clicking on the room, select Move Room. You set the new room number and Move Room.


At the end of each Room Type, there is the Park. There can you temporarily transfer some reservations. Rooms in the park are subject to availability.

Booking transfer between properties

If you have 2 or more properties and you want to transfer a reservation from one to the other, enter the reservation, open the Actions on the top on the right and select Transfer Accommodation

Stop Sales

If you want to Stop Sales for a period in a specific room, go to the Calendar, find the room and drag & drop on the desired dates. Once you leave it, the option Stop Selling this room opens.

If you want to free the room from Stop Sales. Right-click on the room and select Remove

Split Accommodation

Αν θέλετε να διαχωρίσετε μια κράτηση πηγαίνετε στο Πλάνο Κρατήσεων/Calendar. Βρίσκετε το δωμάτιο, μπορεί να γίνει είτε στο δωμάτιο το οποίο βρίσκεται, είτε στο Park. Πατάτε δεξί κλικ πάνω στην κράτηση και στο menu που εμφανίζεται επιλέγετε Split Reservation. Eπιλέγετε ημερομηνία διαχωρισμού και δωμάτιο.

Join Accommodation

In a reservation that you have split and want to join, go to the reservation, open the menu by right-clicking and select Join Accommodation.

Room Status

Go to the Calendar, select the room, click the dirty icon and change it. To display it in the shot, set it to the top right of the Settings.

Add a company to the reservation

If you want to add the details of a company after completing a reservation.

Enter the reservation, press the arrow that says Show extra information under the reservation details and add the company, either by searching or by creating a new one.

You can also add a Booker or Agent to the same field

Last updated