See all the rooms for this booking
Last updated
See all the rooms for this booking
Last updated
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By clicking on the blue cross you can see more information about the room, such as cancellation & payment policies
Details of the main guest in this room. The ID number is also displayed as well as an indication when the web checkin is completed. By clicking on it you can see more information about the visitor and add additional people
Room type and room you have assigned to this accommodation. By clicking on it you can choose a different room or type but also change the arrival date.
Date / time of arrival & departure. By clicking on it you can extend the stay.
Persons of the accommodation, adults, children & babies. By clicking on it you can change the guests.
Price list & boards.
Total price of the room, included the taxes
Notes & preferences of the room.
Tasks: You can easily see if you have and how many preferences apply to this room. By clicking on them you can immediately see which notes you have added and edit them
Preferences: You can easily see if you have and how many preferences apply to this room. By clicking on them you can immediately see which preferences you have added and edit them.
The current status of the specific accommodation. You can change the status of this stay independently of the others. If it is the only stay in the reservation, then the status of the reservation will change automatically.
See the various accommodation options you have to change its details.
More information about accommodation and cancellation & payment policies.
Totals, nights and guests for all stays in this booking.
You can add extra rooms to this booking by clicking this button.
You must first select Arrival & Departure in case you want something different from the other rooms.
By selecting them, the available room types & price lists will be displayed automatically
If you want you can change the number of guests you are waiting
Select the price list you want
Search for or enter visitor details
With the Accommodation Creation the extra room will be added to this reservation