Οperating period
Update the operating period of your property and open sales for the next season
Last updated
Update the operating period of your property and open sales for the next season
Last updated
Information about the current operating period can be found directly from the dashboard. If you click on the period details, you will be taken to the operating period management. There you can manage the operating periods of your property.
To access the management of the operating periods you can also go to the main menu from the left and select Settings / Property / Seasons. In this field the duration and status (open/closed) of the season is displayed.
a. To add a new season, click on +Add Season, type season's name (ex. season 20xx) and start-end dates. Finally, click Create season.
b. To edit the season's period , click on the dates in order to open the edit field, or press the three dots to the right of the operation period and select Quick Edit. After updating the operation period, click Update season.
Press the lightning bolt (open season) in order to open property's operation period and send the availability.
By sending the availability, the season's status appears in green color and states open, while red color when it is closed.
Change current season's operation period and send availability (edited) n case you wish to extend property's current season operation period and send the availability, while property is open, you need to follow the next steps:
Edit season's dates (see instruction b) and click the three dots to the right and press Push availability.
If you have a Booking engine (webhotelier) and / or a Channel manager (primalres) connected, that means that the availability will be sent to those services as well.
In case you have selected the one-way connection or the two-way connection has not yet been completed, you will need to manually update your systems separately.